Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Just got back from the game...and Germany won!!! I can't wait for the next game! Hopefully I get to hang out with my friend next time though. Took a nap today because I wasn't feeling well and woke up a little late, and it was way too crowded to get in. Anyways, the past few days have been the same, wake-up, school, do something, etc. Last night we had a retirement party for our resident director, and our class was invited. I got there late (notice a trend?), but there was still plenty or wine and food left :) There were 6 of us from the class there, and we had a really good time. They did a play, and then one of the girls and I ditched the party to go have a glass of wine at a nearby cafe. (hope my teachers don't read this! lol) Everyone else had the task of finding us, but we all had a great time, and went home really late. I was walking home at half past 11, and it was still relatively light out! I didn't realize we were that far north.
Today we had classes followed by some talking with the teachers. Some of the girls painted their nails with the German flags on break :) Went with some of the girls to go shopping. They stopped and got Falaffels first-they looked amazing...must try! Found a couple really cool presents for people at home.
Tomorrow is Strasbourg. I kind of laughed at myself today, because someone back home in the states was asking about what I was doing tomorrow, and I was like oh, we're just going to France for class. How often can you say that though?! It made me laugh..I was just shrugging it off, as in oh, we're just doing this. But honestly, that's pretty dang cool. Really excited to see the Cathedral there and get in some good shopping! Wish me luck :)

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